Friday, August 25, 2017

Fall 2017: Introduction to a unique individual

Fall 2017: Introduction to a unique individual

Hello readers of the internet! My name is Matthew K. I am an advertising student at the University of Oklahoma, a graphic designer, a photographer and a cat lover. Recently I graduated from Oklahoma City Community College with an Associates in Diversified Studies, basically it is where you pick your own classes and create a major, weird but cool. I am what is considered a non-traditional student, meaning I am older than most college students and did not go to college straight from high school. I actually dropped out of high school and got my GED so to be even a community college graduate is something of an accomplishment.

Before deciding to go back to college I had traveled all over the United States, France, the UK, Italy, Spain, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. I was a promoter and designer for a Latin music label so the travel was one of the best perks. Leaving that job was hard but it just wasn’t for me anymore so I decided to move back to Oklahoma to help my family and went back to being a chef. I loved it at first but after a few years it turned into just a “job” and not a career as I had lost my passion for cooking.

Talking with some people I play online video games with, yes I am a gamer, nerd or whatever you want to call it, I decided to go back to school for something I loved which was graphic design and photography. It was a no brainer and as I got a job at OCCC as a student designer it made my passion stronger and the desire to further my studies into the world of marketing and advertising.

Recently I adopted a cat, he is a 4-year-old Original Tabby I named Kika (Hawaiian for Tiger). He is the most loving cat I have ever had and brightens my day whenever I am down or when I get home.

(Image Information: personal photo of myself;
photo from September 2016.)

(Image Information: personal photo of my cat Kika;
photo from January 2017.)


  1. I had forgotten about all your world travels, Matthew: that is so cool! And I am thinking that since Kika has a Hawaiian name, that could be a sign that you need to do that Hawaiian Storybook... and maybe Kika could even be part of that. Anyway, I hope you will have a great semester, and there should be all kinds of great ways that this class can intersect with your interests and lead to all kinds of fun writing adventures! :-)

  2. Hey Whatsup Mathew!?
    I was pretty happy that the randomizer took me to your page after reading your introduction. You have an awesome and story and it was really cool to learn about you. I really respect and applaud you for chasing your dreams and pursing your passions whatever they may be, whither it is through you job, hobbies, or wanderlust. Keep chasing brotha

    1. Thank you for those words. Always keep pushing forward, no matter what it takes.

  3. Hi Matthew!
    Wow! Looks like you've travelled a lot. I've only been to a few of those places, but I am still completing my bucket list of visiting countries with my family. It's awesome to see that you've found your true passion. It never is too late to do what you love, and I am inspired by your confidence and desire to reach your goals. Best of luck this semester!

  4. Hello Matthew! First of all, congratulations on getting your associates despite dropping out of high school! That must have taken a lot of courage and dedication on your part, and it’s inspiring to say the least. You’ve been to many of the places that I have wanted to travel to in Europe so that’s awesome man. I hope it all works out for you as a graphic designer!

  5. Hello Matthew.

    I am so jealous that you have gotten to travel all over the world. I have never left North America but I plan to do so one of these days. I'm also jealous you got to work for a music company. One of my future dreams is to open a concert hall because I love live music so much. Congrats on the pursuit of happiness by the way. Its always inspiring to hear stories of people following their dreams and trying to better them selves through means of knowledge. Good luck with your work this year!

  6. Matthew,
    Hello! First off, congratulations for getting to where you are now with your education! After receiving your GED outside of high school, I'm very impressed that you pursued an Associate's degree and even additional education after that. So cool, though, that you got to spend time traveling all across Europe! What were some of your favorite places? I had to the opportunity to go several summers ago, and it was one of my favorite experiences that I've ever had. (Also, love the cat name. I'm more of a dog person, but I can still appreciate a creative name.)

  7. Hello Matthew!

    I love that your degree from OCCC was Diversified Studies, for my major here is Planned Program where I created my own major! I also am jealous of all your travels! Traveling is my favorite past time, and I wish I could afford to do it more often! Like Jake, I am more of a dog person as well, but your kitty seems to be full of personality! I am sure he is a lot of fun!

  8. You put a lot of thought into naming your cat Kika; it's a beautiful name. Had you been planning on adopting for long? I had a friend go into the field of graphic design, and he likes a lot of the same things as you. He is a gamer, has a two-year-old cat named Zap, and is using his degree for advertisement. It sounds like a fun time, good luck.

  9. Hey Matthew, it sounds like you have a really cool life! I'm very jealous that you've gotten the opportunity to travel so much. Also your cat is so cute! It's also really awesome that you have decided to pursue a degree in something that you're truly passionate about. Anyways best of luck this year and after college!

  10. Hi Matthew! That is so cool that you have had the opportunity to travel and use that time to figure out want you want to do. Props for deciding to go to college and pursue your passion. I want to take some time to travel after I graduate and use that time to just relax and experience the world.Good luck with everything!

  11. Hi Matthew! Your journey up until now is amazing and very inspiring. I always hear how hard it is to come back to school after taking time off but, you are a perfect example of the opposite. That is amazing that your passions have led you to some many different places and that you get to keep pursuing them. Thank you for sharing!

  12. Hey Matthew. Awesome accomplishments to get here. I know many people that have a hard time getting back into the education system after they drop out or take time off. What kind of video games do you play? PC? Console? Good soul to adopt the cat!

  13. Mathew! So cool to get to hear your story and so excited you're here with us at OU! Love hearing about your travels and your experiences as a non-traditional student! And now you work for a music company, I mean woah! So glad to get to meet you and sending you happy thoughts for the end of the semester!

  14. Hello Matthew!
    That is so cool that you traveled abroad for awhile! You have certainly accomplished a lot before becoming a student here at OU. Congratulations on graduating with you Associates degree! I like the title of your introduction. You have certainly had unique experiences, and I hope that you will be very happy with the future career that your degree will help facilitate. Have a great week!

  15. Hey Matthew!
    I think your story is great and its so cool you have followed your dreams and ended up here. I bet you've experienced a lot through the years being able to travel and coming back to Oklahoma City. Its always good reading peoples story of following their passions because it makes it easier for my decisions to do the same. I hope you have a good end of the semester!
