Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Storybook Favorites

Storybook Favorites

The story “Death's Story” introduction grabs your attention almost immediately as it gives you the feeling the story will be told from the perspective of Death theirself. The three examples shows that the reaper telling the story is not just out for souls and actually puts thought into the job that it has been tasked with. Just like most people or beings it does have a boss that it reports to and because of a failed task it is being fired. Death recounts from when it first starts as a reaper to the reason of the reaper being fired and you feel sorry for the reaper after knowing that Sinbad is the reason the reaper is being let go by Mother Nature, its boss.  Full Story Source

Death in the hood. Taken by George Hodan

The next story I have chosen is “Murders in the Bible”. From the beginning of the introduction you would think it is just someone pointing out of all the murders and sins that take place in the Bible. Upon further reading, this story is about someone who views the Bible differently and uses what he views as what the Bible is telling him to do with the verse “Exodus 21:12, an eye for an eye” and it is his life goal to fulfil that one verse of the Bible. The layout gives you an eerie feeling and the photo of the bloody hand adds that it is a story about a killer. The only thing I would really criticize is the choice of font, it is hard to read for an extended period. Full Story Source.

Image Information: Biblical Murder
Web Source: Simon Cooper

The third and final story is “Ghostly Adventures”. Seeing as this is a story about Oklahoma it would draw most readers attention wanting to know more about their own state and what it could offer as far as out of the ordinary stories. It is told from first and third-person perspective and takes us to 3 different locations. The first location has become famous as NBA players have said they have experienced the ghost first hand, while the other two are not well known. I like how the author did research on Weatherford to know what attractions were available for a group to enjoy while killing time to go to the haunt. Full Story Source

Photo of the Skirvin Hotel
Web Source: The Demoniacal

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