Friday, December 8, 2017

Famous Last Words: It has come to an end.

Well the time has come to close another semester at OU. It was not the best of times but it was also far better than my last one. I think I might actually complete this class haha. I'll admit it has been a struggle keeping up with my assignments this semester. I also did not do a lot of writing and focused mainly on extra credit work just to get by. Not saying that a bad grade will be received, I am saying that I could have done a lot better with my time and wrote a lot more. I had the stories in my head I just could not find the time to actually sit down and write them. If I could do it again I would get the biggest head start I could and just write write write. I think that would have been a better route for me to take in the long run.
Needless to say though, I really did enjoy being able to read a lot of the other stories in the class. Life happens sometimes and I had to switch my focus over to the situations that just seemed to constantly happen over the course of the semester. Working a full-time job, being a parent and having extra work on the side does not make taking classes easily, especially with a chronic illness that could come out of nowhere. My advice to anyone would be to work ahead and stay focused. If you can do that this is one of the best classes I have taken at OU so far!
The emails back and forth with Laura helped a lot as well. She would always get back to me really quick with any questions and always had great suggestions to help with management of the class.


Image provided by woodleywonderworks, Source.

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